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What We Do
Career Information
Our career database has everything you need to know! From what high school courses to take to which university degree or college diploma you will need to attain to be qualified for the job. We have you covered!
Bookmark Your Favourite Careers in Your Account
Sign-up for a FREE account and you can bookmark your favourite careers (access them anytime in “My Account”). You can also contact any of the influencers with your questions.
Career Advice From People That Look Like You
We have Black/BIPOC experienced professionals from all industries sharing their stories and providing valuable tips for youth to become successful.
Special Events
We host special events for youth to gain valuable information and also celebrate their successes.
We can connect you with an Influencer currently working in your dream career. They are open to answering any of your questions!
In partnership with community leaders, we will be sharing information about great scholarship opportunities. Including our annual Black Health & Wealth Scholarship Opportunity.
Popular Career Clusters
Computers & Telecom
Business & Finance
Medical & Health Care
Education & Social Services